50’s “Slab-Style” Pickup (set)
The single-coil, bridge pickup was the first to be produced in 1950 for use in the new Broadcaster electric guitar. Weathering legal demands for naming rights and several basic design changes, the pickup grew a counterpart (front pickup) and the guitar ultimately became an icon. It is probably safe to say that no other electric guitar has been more influential and ubiquitous in modern music. Being a basic plank, the pickups may very well be the most important feature of the guitar. They are simple in construction, but the sounds the vintage examples project - are pretty amazing. Being clear, bright, sassy and full – all at the same time – they melt nicely into all forms of music. This Jimmy Wallace Vintage set has been fabricated with radical dedication to detail. The iconic sounds, and yes, even the appearance are all like original vintage versions. The first prototypes for these pickups were wound with actual vintage NOS wire. This provided the ultimate standard for this new “50’s Type” pickup line..
Authentic Black Bottom
Raised - Pole, Beveled Magnets
A confidential treatment to simulate the chronological effect of older pickups.
Application of specific construction methods that have been re-developed from extensive research.
Bridge Pickup Output – 7.6K
Neck Pickup Output – 6.16K *Pickup Outputs will vary somewhat, considering they are hand wrapped.
Flat- Pole configuration available also.